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Daniele Formica, The Many Images, 2023

Daniele Formica
The Many Images, 2023
Oil on canvas prepared with rabbit glue
100 x 100 cm
Copyright The Artist
This painting consists of sentences about many images outside of it. It references and stimulates imagination beyond what is already there. It wants us to think beyond what we see....
This painting consists of sentences about many images outside of it. It references and stimulates imagination beyond what is already there. It wants us to think beyond what we see. It wants us to want to see. Recognizing this blindness, the fact that there are images that cannot be seen, nor exist, or are unnoticed or misunderstood or failed. Accepting and embracing this impotence towards vision and towards imagination, this is an act opens from the individual towards the multitude. This painting is an acceptance of the limit of the self, and by accepting those limits, it wonderfully and in a loving constructing way (far deeper than antifascism and anarchism) points out directly at the core of negative existing in solidarity with the unknown and unseen and unlived other.