Mauricio Limon
By formulating the notion of “Non-verbal” Limón raises questions about the relationship between fantasy and language from a dialectical perspective: When does fantasy detaches from language? How does language create fantasy? Does thinking about sexuality as a principle of any power structure lead to the materialization of fantasy?
Through a symbology inspired by organs of pleasure, a set of nonverbal fantasies evokes a narrative that moves away from language structures and its formulas of interpretation. Using raw materials, such as henequén (sisal) clay, potassium alum, copal, volcanic stone and silicone, Limón reproduces a sort of genitalia or abstract pornography that seduces the gaze in various directions; from domesticity and privacy towards surplus enjoyment. This seduction is articulated or translated by the contrast between formats and techniques – taking painting as a matrix – and its deconstruction into objects and rudimentary supports that shape fantasies and desire in containers of comfort.