TÉLÉ RÉALITÉ, co-directed by Lucile Desamory, Glodie Mubikay and Gustave Fundi, had its world premiere at the 70th Berlinale in 2020. They worked on the film (after a screenplay by...
TÉLÉ RÉALITÉ, co-directed by Lucile Desamory, Glodie Mubikay and Gustave Fundi, had its world premiere at the 70th Berlinale in 2020. They worked on the film (after a screenplay by Damien Desamory) without having met otherwise than trough social media. They met in real life after the shooting was complete. With this film, Lucile, Glodie and Gustave create a tunnel and try to open up other possibilities of engagement, a carnaval of shared narratives, a telepathic channel. Shot in both Kinshasa and Belgium, the film narrates the preparations for a reality television show that takes place during the Belgian carnival. The show is financed and produced by a Congolese television station that wants to pull off a media coup.