A group show with Anne-Lise Coste, Daniele Formica, Dora García, and Klaas Kloosterboer

Curated by Sergi Rusca



This exhibition is articulated as an ontological opening, [1] that is, a proposal where artistic practices enact a multiplicity of aesthetic and conceptual overlaps around language. The displayed artworks allow for a conversation on representation, speculation, and wording, while insinuating both its material limits and its open-ended semantic qualities. Considering the exhibition as a device capable of producing objects and subjects by placing them in an emergence of meanings and correlations, [2] the artists involved explore liminal thresholds of language as the central medium of creative articulation.

[1] This term is proposed by Marisol de la Cadena in relation to her ethnographic practice and her approach in how knowledge is understood and practiced. See Marisol de la Cadena, “Earth-Beings. Andean Indigenous Religion, but Not Only”, in Keiichi Omura et altri (eds), The Word Multiple. The Quotidian Politics of Knowing and Generating Entangled Worlds (Routledge, 2018), pp. 45-66.

[2] This consideration draws from Anselm Franke’s essay “The Third House” in the journal Site 0. Castalia: the Game of Ends and Means (2016): https://www.glass-bead.org/article/the-third-house/?lang=enview