The works that Lara Almarcegui (1972, Zaragoza) has been developing over the course of nearly twenty years are situated at the border between urban renewal and urban decay, and make visible what tends to escape general notice. On the one hand, Almarcegui focuses her attention on abandoned spaces and structures in the process of transformation; on the other, she investigates the different connections that can be established between topography, architecture, and urbanism. The work of Lara Almarcegui poses questions about the current state of the construction, development, use, and decay of spaces that are apparently peripheral to the city. In her large- scale projects she provokes a dialogue between the different elements that make up the physical reality of the urban landscape, in its constant transformation through demolitions, excavations, construction materials, and contemporary ruins. In recent years, Almarcegui has focused his practice on construction sites, particularly on the composite materials used in the construction of new buildings and on the cyclical relationship between land and architecture.